
As you read our blog you may find that our writings have a certain "edge" to them. You will find that what we have to say is usually critical of organized, institutional religion. You may wonder if we have ever been offended in a way that caused us to leave church and then badmouth it because of our experience.

We want to make very clear to readers that what we have to say here is not "sour grapes."

Rather, our perspectives are based on reasoned comparisons of what the Bible says about how believers (both Jews and Christians) in the one, true, living God  should conduct themselves.

To say that very bluntly, our perspective on religion is that it is not always Biblical. Thus, wherever we see a disconnect, we will write about it. And since organized religion is the visible face of Judaism and Christianity, and is responsible for the beliefs and practices found in these religions, organized religion will be the primary target of articles in which we challenge traditions and beliefs that do not line up with the Bible.

Having said that, we must hasten to add that God, in His wisdom and mercy, continues to use the imperfect vessels of organized religion to accomplish His good work. In other words, despite serious errors in doctrines and practices, God has not fully abandoned institutional religion.

We are confident, therefore, that He will eventually accomplish a radical transformation in how He accomplishes His will in the world.

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